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Onyx Investments will take a complete financial inventory of client assets, liabilities, insurance policies, income, and expenses, as part of our comprehensive financial planning process. Data gathering is the real nuts and bolts to prior goal setting conversations. Here, we may first determine whether your long-term hopes and dreams may be manifested into reality.

Data Gathering – Financial Paperwork

The data gathering process further opens the lines of communication between Onyx Investments and our clients. From here, accurate documentation and reporting will strengthen the effectiveness of our recommendations.

We may request copies of recent pay stubs, banking statements, credit balances, investment paperwork, employee benefits packages, 401(k) information, insurance coverage, and income tax returns. Many of these financial details may be retrieved online and even ported over to Onyx Investments electronically in real-time.

Client Profile

Your full client profile represents a symbiotic relationship between intangible investor behavior and dollars-and-cents financial statements. Onyx Investments will survey clients for satisfaction with current finances, risk tolerance, and investment sophistication. Retirees may be more so concerned with wealth preservation and estate planning. Alternatively, we expect for young professional and high net worth clients to be more welcoming to financial risk, in exchange for upside potential.

Net Worth and Free Cash Flow

The financial inventory supplies inputs and line items for your personal balance sheet and income statement. The balance sheet subtracts liabilities away from assets to show net worth, while the income statement subtracts expenses away from income to show free cash flow.

Firstly, we may immediately recommend selling off unproductive assets and eliminating discretionary spending to unlock liquidity. From here, our goal is to regularly direct free cash flow into a diversified investment portfolio. Onyx Investments will regularly revisit client financial inventories to recalibrate economic data and monitor growth objectives.

PDF Taking Stock: Your Complete Financial Inventory